Your African Partner

Bespoke Islamic Finance & Business Advisory

iConsult Africa is a bespoke Islamic Finance & Business Advisory Firm focused on alternative financial solutions based on Islamic principles.

Our Partners

AAOIFI Exam Center & Training Partner

Our Services

We have a client-centric focus where you and your needs are our primary responsibility. iConsult Africa is fast becoming a renowned Shariah advisory firm with reach across the African continent and beyond.

Shariah Advisory

Our comprehensive service ensures holistic advice for optimum compliance.

Shariah Product Development

We hold your hand throughout the journey.

Islamic Fintech

Our blended expertise provides cutting-edge solutions.

Islamic Finance Training

Practice makes perfect during our training.

Shariah Board Certification

Certification process for financial institutions, products, or services.

Audit and Assurance

Hindsight, Oversight, Foresight… Refined.

About us

Exploring financial solutions with broader social economic impact and inclusiveness

iConsult Africa is a bespoke Islamic Finance & Business Advisory Firm focused on alternative financial solutions based on Islamic principles. Our primary focus is to explore financial solutions with broader social economic impact and inclusiveness.

Combining contemporary digital solutions with classical principles is at the forefront of our philosophy. Our strategic partnerships and alliances in the Islamic finance industry from South East Asia to the Middle East and Africa allows us to offer Advisory and Training of Islamic Financial Practices and Implementations.

Our expert team will help you

Dr. Ziyaad Mahomed


Assistant Professor Shaykh Dr Ziyaad is the Head of Social Finance at the Global University of Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in Malaysia. A registered Shari’ah Advisor.

Sh. Ziyaat Isaacs


The founder and Managing Director of I Consult Africa & a Certified Shari’ah Advisor & Auditor from the Accounting & Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions.

Mufti Yusuf Sultan

Shari’ah Advisor

the Head of Shari’ah & Governance for Ethis Group in Malaysia and also a registered Shari’ah Advisor with the Securities Commission of Malaysia.

Dr. Saeed Mikael

Shari’ah Advisor

An Islamic Finance Researcher at the International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) in Malaysia; he is also the Chairman of AlBirr.

See all team members

Dr. Ziyaad Mahomed


Assistant Professor Shaykh Dr Ziyaad is the Head of Social Finance at the Global University of Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in Malaysia. He is a seasoned Islamic Finance Expert and Shari’ah Advisor involved in various sectors of the industry since 1998. He is a registered Shari’ah Advisor at the Maldives Monetary Authority and Bank Negara Malaysia. He serves on several Shari’ah Boards including as Chairman of the Shari’ah Boards of HSBC Amanah in Malaysia and Taj Bank in Nigeria amongst others.

Dr Ziyaad’s experience reaches far into various sectors of Islamic Finance including Sukuk, regulatory frameworks, Takaful modelling, private equity, fund structuring and risk management. His experience in Sukuk (he has approved and/or structured more than $5 billion of Sukuk) and his academic publications has made him a sought-after subject matter expert on the subject both from industry and academia.

He specializes in and lectures Masters and PhD students in Shari’ah issues in Islamic Finance, Shari’ah aspects (Usul al Fiqh, Islamic law of transactions, Shari’ah governance), Islamic Capital Markets and Islamic Risk Management.

He served as the National Marketing and Product Development Head for Albaraka Bank in South Africa between 2003 and 2006, developing products on both the financing and investment sides, including Banca-Takaful, whilst coordinating for the second Shari’ah Compliant Unit Trust in South Africa.

Dr Ziyaad holds a Phd in Islamic Finance from INCEIF in Malaysia; a MBA in Islamic Banking from MANCOSA in South Africa; a BCom in Financial Management from the University of Johannesburg and a BA(Hons) in Business Finance from Anglia Rushkin University. He also holds certificates and licences in various traditional Islamic sciences with specialization in Islamic Commercial Law from Cairo, Egypt.

Shaykh Ziyaat Isaacs


Shaykh Ziyaat is the founder and Managing Director of I Consult Africa and a Certified Shari’ah Advisor & Auditor from the Accounting & Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) based in Bahrain

Shaykh Ziyaat is the Head of Finance of the ARP Group of Companies in Cape Town South Africa and has engaged in several business advisory projects in a similar capacity focussing on the development of fintech and real estate models.

Shaykh Ziyaat also serves as a Lecturer at the International Peace College of South Africa (IPSA) in Islamic Commercial Law and Islamic Finance and has several publications in Islamic Finance both locally and globally.

Previously he served as a Management Trainee, Research Officer and Associate Consultant with ISRA Consultancy Sdn Bhd at the International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) in Malaysia where he was involved in various research, advisory and consulting projects with both local and international clients.

Shaykh Ziyaad holds a MSc in Islamic Finance from the Global University of Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in Malaysia and a BA (Hons) in Islamic Finance with specialization in Capital Markets from Selangor International Islamic University College (KUIS) in Malaysia. He also has experience and recognition for Islamic Studies in Quran, Shari’ah and Arabic Language from various institutions in South Africa, Syria and Egypt.

Mufti Abdul Kadir Barkatulla

Senior Shari’ah Advisor

Mufti Barkatulla is a prominent Shari’ah scholar with a strong background in Economics and Finance. He is currently a lecturer at the Ebrahim College and Shari’ah Advisor for Taqwaa Advisory and Shari’ah Investment Solutions Pty Ltd and Islamic Bank of Britain.

Mufti chaired the Supervisory Committee at Lloyds Banking Group from 2008 to February 2012 and served as a Shari’ah Advisor from 2005 to February 2012 at the same group. In addition, he was also a Shari’ah Advisor for Principle Insurance Holdings Ltd from 2006-2009 and the Senior Imam at North Finchley Mosque from 1998-2006.

He initially graduated in Islamic Studies at the famous Darul Uloom, Deoband, India where he was also trained as a Mufti (qualified to issue Islamic authoritative edicts) in 1974. Moving to London in 1979, he pursued his studies and attained both BSc (1985) and M Phil (1992) as one of the Shari’ah Judges at the Islamic Shari’ah Council, Mufti Barkatulla has wide experience of dealing with socio-cultural issues affecting Muslims living in the UK.Read less

Dr. Saeed Mikael

Shari’ah Advisor

Shaykh Dr. Saeed Mikael hails from Nigeria and is an Islamic Finance Researcher at the International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) in Malaysia; he is also the Chairman of AlBirr Cooperative Investment and Credit Society (ACICS-Nigeria) and a Partner in Muslim Scholarship Fund of Nigeria (MSFN-Nigeria).

In addition, Shaykh also serves as a Lecturer at the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) -The Global Islamic Finance University, as well as a short stint as a Tutor in the Islamic Law Department, AIKOL, at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).

Shaykh Mikael has published and presented several academic works on Shari’ah and Islamic Finance with reputable publishers as well as in international conferences. He also served as an expert witness in a high profile Islamic Finance case in Malaysia in his capacity as a Consultant at ISRA Consultancy Sdn Bhd.

He holds a PhD in Islamic Finance, AIKOL, from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) as well as a Masters of Comparative Law (MCL) from the same school. He also holds a LLB (Shari’ah from the Islamic University of Madinah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Mufti Yousuf Sultan

Shari’ah Advisor

Mufti Yousuf Sultan is the Head of Shari’ah & Governance for Ethis Group in Malaysia and also a registered Shari’ah Advisor with the Securities Commission of Malaysia. He is a Certified Shari’ah Advisor and Auditor (CSAA) from Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), Bahrain and an AAOIFI Master Trainer.

He has long professional experience with teaching, training and advisory on Shari’ah and Islamic Finance with specific exposure to Islamic Fintech. He held various leadership positions for Shari’ah, Operations, Technology & Infrastructure at Ethis – an Islamic Fintech Group based in Malaysia that pioneered several award-winning Islamic Crowdfunding platforms for investment and charity in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Mufti Yousuf co-founded IFA Consultancy in Bangladesh, a pioneer institution promoting Islamic Finance to the mass through training, workshops, seminars, and consultancy. Yousuf advises institutions in several countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, UAE & Bangladesh. He is also a member of two Working Groups for Governance Standard Committee at AAOIFI. He holds professional membership with the Association of Shari’ah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS) and Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals (CIIF).

Mufti Yousuf holds a MSc in Islamic Finance from the Global University of Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in Malaysia and also graduated as a Mufti in Shari’ah and Islamic Jurisprudence from Jamia Shariyyah Malibag, Dhaka.

Mufti Faraz Adam

Shari’ah Advisor

Mufti Faraz Adam is a well-known UK-based Islamic Finance & Fintech consultant and heads the global Shariah advisory firm Amanah Advisors. He is advising several global Islamic financial institutions spread across the UK, US, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE and other countries.

Mufti Faraz completed a six-year Alimiyyah program (Islamic Studies) in the UK after which he went on to specialise in Islamic law and finished a Mufti course in Durban, South Africa. He holds a Master’s Degree in Islamic Finance, Banking and Management from Newman University, UK. He qualified with an MBA Diploma from the International Business Management Institute and successfully accomplished a Fintech Specialisation course from the University of Michigan. He recently achieved the ACCA Level 4 Qualification in Accounting and Business. In addition to the above, he has attained various Islamic Finance-industry qualifications such as the IFQ, CIAE (Certified Islamic Arbitrator & Expert), CIFE (Certified Islamic Finance Expert) and is a Certified Shariah Advisor and Auditor (CSAA).

He is passionate about the development of the Islamic economy and serves across its various sectors such as Islamic banking, Islamic capital markets, Takaful, SME financing and Islamic social finance.

Shaykh Imtiyaaz Isaacs

Shari’ah Researcher

Shaykh Imtiyaaz Isaacs is currently a Lecturer at Madina Institute in Cape Town South Africa, teaching Arabic, Tajwid, Hadith & Usul Al Fiqh. He is also the Head Imam at the Rondevlei Islamic Society in Cape Town South Africa hosting traditional Islamic classes.

The Shaykh completed the memorization of the Holy Qur’an at Jamʿiyyat al-Qurraʾ at the tender age of 11 years. Thereafter, he continued his studies & completed the translation of the Holy Qur’an & Islamic Studies at Dar al-Naʿim.

Shaykh Imtiyaaz spent most of his youth in Egypt where he studied at the prestigious Institute of Al-Azhar; he completed his Primary School, High School & University studies at the esteemed Institute.

He majored in Islamic Law at Al-Azhar University and also studied under a number of renowned Scholars around the globe, including Saudi Arabia, Cairo, Mansura, Dusooq, Turkey and Jordan where he received Sanad (authority) & Ijazah (license of teaching) for the 10 and 14 Quranic dialects (Qira’at) & many other sciences.

Shaykha Umme Roomaan Soofie

Shari’ah Researcher

Shaykha Umme Roomaan is an active member of the Habibia Soofie Saheb Institute in Durban, South Africa and heads the Women’s department. She is also a member of the Institutions’ fatwa body, as well as a senior advisor to the Islamic Studies department of HSBP Institute of learning. Shaykha has hosted multiple women’s religious and educational seminars and events such as the annual Hajj seminar and lecture series throughout the year. She has travelled extensively throughout South Africa delivering discourses as a renowned religious orator.

Shaykha Umme Roomaan obtained her diploma in the Arabic language from Zarqa Private university in Jordan and followed this with further studies in Arabic at the Abu Al-Noor University in Damascus, Syria. In 2008 she studied towards a Bachelors degree in Islamic Jurisprudence and its Principles from the Shaykh Nuh al-Qudah faculty of Fiqh at the World Islamic Sciences and Education University (WISE) in Amman, Jordan. She further specialised and obtained certification in Hanafi Jurisprudence and Iftaa’ from Markaz Anwar Al-Ulamah in Amman under the tutelage of Shaykh Salah Abul Haaj, and holds ijazat in Hadith sciences.

Shaykha returned to South Africa in 2013 after spending 9 years in the Middle East and co-founded The Sufi Academy for Higher Islamic Education where she taught various subjects such as Fiqh, Hadith sciences, Tafseer, Arabic, Qur’anic sciences, Tajweed, and others. She has translated and commentated on various literary works from Arabic to English covering the topics of Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah and biographical sketches of our past luminaries. She has produced and presented shows on Radio al-Ansaar covering the Illustrious Sahaabah, Tasawwuf, and female scholarship in Islam.

With the intention of venturing into Islamic Finance, she recently completed her Masters in Islamic Finance at INCEIF University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and is a Certified Shari’ah Advisor & Auditor by the Accounting & Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) based in Bahrain.Read less

Asmaa Resmouki

Accounting & Auditing

Ms. Asmaa Resmouki serves as the Deputy President for the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). She has been serving on the IFAC board since November 2017 and was originally nominated to the board by the Ordre Des Experts Comptables—Morocco. In her role as Deputy President, Ms. Resmouki chairs the IFAC Planning and Finance Committee having previously chaired the board’s Governance Subcommittee prior to her election as Deputy President.

Ms. Resmouki is a past President of the Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA). She served on the PAFA Board since 2011, as vice president and chair of the Planning, Human Capital, and Financial Committee from 2013 to 2015 and as president from 2015 to 2017.

Ms. Resmouki has more than twenty-five years of experience in assurance services, including serving as audit partner in the large auditing firms (Deloitte and EY) in Morocco, where she led auditing in various industry and service sectors, including real estate, mining, pharmaceutical, consumer business, automobile, and tourism. She has extensive experience in other types of engagement, such as due diligence and valuation, agreed-upon procedures, and internal control review. During her career, she was also a finance director for a multinational company.

Ms. Resmouki performed quality reviews of auditing firms within the Ordre Des Experts Comptables—Morocco from 2008 to 2011. She was also a member of the Regional Council of Chartered Accountants in Morocco from 2011 to 2014 and served as chair of the Audit Quality Review Committee.

Ms. Resmouki graduated from ISCAE, Casablanca in 1989 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business; whereafter, she pursued a Masters Degree at Clark University in the USA where she graduated in 1991 with an MBA and in 2001, Ms. Resmouki became a certified Chartered Accountant from ISCAE, Casablanca.

Shamiel Ahmed

Business Development

Mr Ahmed is the Head of Elham International Trading Africa, the regional office in Africa for Elham International Trading Global Operations, headquartered in Sydney Australia. The group’s operations span over a spectrum of Trade & Finance across the world.

Mr Ahmed has successfully negotiated and procured G2G commodity trades as well as the financing arrangements for major projects in leading African countries including South Africa, Nigeria and Ghana.

His experience in Africa and local business markets brings an exceptional advantage to the mobility of our engagements.


Contact Us


Contact: +27 21 201 8896

Address: Unit 5, The Caledonian, 2 Range Kenwyn, Cape Town, 7790, South Africa

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